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Questions about whether

a Divorce Strategy Session is right for my situation?

Do I need to be in the process of separation or getting a divorce in order to book a Divorce Strategy Session?
If I plan to represent myself in my divorce, how can a Divorce Strategy Session help me?
Can I book a Divorce Strategy Session if I already have a lawyer?
What are Mr. Benmor’s areas of expertise?

Questions about how

a Divorce Strategy Session is different from other legal services

What's the difference between a Divorce Strategy Session and unbundled or limited scope services?
What is the difference between a Divorce Strategy Session and traditional legal services?
What is the difference between a Divorce Strategy Session and divorce coaching?

Questions about the

Divorce Strategy Session

Do I have to prepare anything?
Will I receive a summary or recording of the call?
Can my new partner or others join the call?
How many sessions will I need to get through my divorce?
What if there isn’t enough time to answer my questions?
What if we have technical issues with the call or internet?

Questions about

additional services

Will you help me with legal forms?
Will Mr. Benmor go on record as my legal representative? Do I have to advise the court that I received this help?
What if I want Mr. Benmor to take on additional work?
Can Mr. Benmor refer me to other professionals if I need other divorce services?